Claudio Parentela was born in Italy. He specializes in various original white and black drawings, comics, and photos. Claudio Parentela is an illustrator, painter, digital painter, photographer, mail artist, cartoonist, collagist, textile artist, journalist freelance… Active for many years in the international contemporary art scene. He has collaborated with many magazines of contemporary art, like NYArtsMagazine, LitChaos, Braintwisting, and The Doors of Creativity. His obscure and crazy artworks are shown in many art galleries on the endless web, like GIRASOLE (Milan), TABULA RASA (Barcelona), La Casa Di Tolleranza (Milan), Andenken Gallery (USA), and much, much more…
He has collaborated and he collaborates with many bands of industrial music like noise, experimental and electronic, harsh&death&metal gore, punx. He has illustrated poems and stories&music of Gavin Burrows, Harry Wilkens, Vittorio Baccelli, Claudio Morici, Alberto Rizzi, Cristiano Quadalti, ’’L’Agnello Sacrificale e la Salamandra Impiccata al Patè 666’’(Medicina Nucleare-Italy), and more.
Website: Ilrattobavoso Altervista
Instagram: Claudio Parentela
Twitter: Claudio Parentela
LinkedIn: Claudio Parentela
Saatchiart (shop): Claudio Parentela