Annemarie Cecilia Thea Braunsteiner

Annemarie Cecilia Thea Braunsteiner was born in Austria. She was working as a biochemist & biotechnologist in a pharmaceutical company before relocating to New Zealand in 2009. Currently, she is working on a body of work exploring ‘Art and Peace Mechanism’ for the Santorini Biennale as an invited artist, as well as a body of work called ‘A clown, the Twin and Me’ for an upcoming Artfair here in Nelson. Braunsteiner uses artist Sigrid Weigel’s concept of ‘telescopage’ to describe relationships between generations after World War II or a traumatic incident. Historically they are kept silent, repressed and hidden, which imprints onto the unconscious and is passed to the next and subsequent generations. Her work is owned by private collectors in New Zealand, but at least a good percentage going back to Europe. Ann is also since mid-April 2015 manager of the Refinery ArtSpace in Nelson.

Instagram: Annemarie Cecilia Thea Braunsteiner
Web site: Annemarie Cecilia Thea Braunsteiner