
Sarah Joncas born 1986 in Hamilton is an artist based out of Ontario, Canada. She is graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design’s BFA program. Her interest in the visual arts started with the dedicated drawings of dinosaurs and lizards. The study and enjoyment of working from existing images stirred up the need in Sarah to create images of her own. Her direction changed gradually from the world of animation to a path in fine art. She has gained a reputation within the Pop Surrealism Movement for her strange and often personal portraits of women. She has had many successful shows in galleries in California, Seattle, Rome, New York, and London. She also has been featured in articles for the “Hi-Fructose”, “the Hi-Fructose” and the “JUXTAPOZ”. With a very distinctive style, Joncas weaves melodramatic narratives into lush compositions which often explore themes of a darker nature, such as troubled relationships and betrayal.